OmediaMax, a brand name dedicated to deliver all media services such as media management, online publication, online TVs, (blogs & social media), photography and videography. It was established in 2020 in accordance with provisions of Business Names (Registration) Act and the Rules made, thereunder, and has been entered the BRELA’s number 476291 in the Index Registration. In addition, OmediaMax, owned website, www.omediamax-kvis.co.tz (online media), the most popular and trusted online publication on earth covering news events, business, sports, entertainment, breaking news as well as current affairs. To our esteemed customers, you won’t regret working with OmediaMax it’s a great opportunity for advertisers to get value for money. Why wait? Get on board and realize value for your advertising budget. OUR MOTTO IS “ADVERTISE MAKES PEOPLE BUY/ UNDERSTAND THINGS

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